Almost all people know akan fruit star fruit. Plants, the
possibility comes from the island of Sri Lanka or South East Asia
notably Malaysia and indonesia, there are two types of
which is real sweet, star fruit and vegetables star fruit (star fruit bamboo).
Yang akan perkatakan us in this article is the sweet star fruit
iron, or star fruit (Averrhoa carambola).
In the English called this fruit as starfruit due
similar shapes when the stars cross dihiris. It is
sweet and refreshing flavor with a unique taste mebangunkan.
Iron star fruit has a high economic value. While young
young fruit is green and the colors to be changed after
old. Type of star fruit diungguli characteristic of iron-characteristics is
large shapes, interesting colors, fine fiber, very bersari
taste sweet and fresh.
Kebiasaanya, star fruit fruit eaten iron segar.Sebahagiannya
processed and used as various types of beverage products such as fresh
and kordial, jelly, sugar, fruit sugar, fruit sauce, fruit, dry, mix
hirisan in fruit juice or shingle, halwa, and so forth. Fruit
may be a young star fruit orange. In addition to the source as
good nutrition, iron, young fruit star fruit is also used to
therapy and even prevention of various types of diseases, among others
useful in:
blood pressure-lowering
-smooth digestion
-clean the bowel.
Fruit star fruit is a source of iron, vitamin C is good, as well as substance
kapur.Belimbing iron and oxygen can be used as an anti-oxide which
work to prevent the spread of cell kanser.
Metal star fruit-Good for high blood pesakit-source Women's Weekly
In the cell wall there is a star fruit pectin which is a material
forming gel in the gel has usus.Terbentuknya
reduce the influence of kolestrol. In this case, the pectin binding
kolestrol and asid hempedu in the intestine and encourage expenditure.
Star fruit also works as ubat blood tinggi.Air perahan fruit
star fruit can prevent high blood pressure to always be
in normal circumstances. People with high blood pressure may
drink water grated fruit star fruit every once duahari. I
fruit star fruit that is large enough and the half-cooked shredded
smooth, then diperah of water every one gelas.Minumlah
morning for a one month bulan.Setelah drinking water star fruit
two days once.
It is said high blood pressure will become normal when someone
the diligent star fruit drink water. But that must be remembered, jengan
On the compound with water perahan star fruit sugar
shingle or because it will cause the impression otherwise.
In India the fruit is ripe star fruit is used to stop
bleeding. While the fruit has been used to dry
reduce the fever heat. Fruit that has been used by the diawet
india community to mitigate sediment and bottom-drunk because
of excessive alcohol. Oil from the fruit diektrak
ubat mengubati made eye disease. Brazil is also in the State,
pesakit problems that have fruit belt and urinating often earthen jar to hold water
dinasihatkan to take the fruit star fruit. Society state that
also believe that the fruit is good for people with ekzema.
Chinese materia states that have medical stew the fruit and leaves
elegant star fruit drink to overcome vomiting-muntah.Daunnya
diramas and placed on the forehead to remove the headache.
Meanwhile, shoots and leaves that were placed on the smallpox
and ringworm (scab).