Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bunga Cina / Melur Cina/Gardenia Augusta


Flowers or Chinese name saintifiknya Gardenia soniapedro, Merr's family Rubiaceae planted many plants as decoration or as a fence because the leaves are thick and have many branches. The white flowers shaped like a rose and smell fragrant. white colors will be changed after the flower blooms. This plant can grow cool or hot, and it is a happy plant in the guard. The most places appropriate for that growth is a bit cool as mountain with a height of approximately 400 meters from the sea. This tree may reach a height of 1 - 2 meter.It flourish through Seedling stem cuttings and may be done by choosing a slightly older branches, leaves and dispose of all planted in polybag containing sand. Ensure adequate water during the growth roots. These trees have the potential for commercialization as in perfume because the smell of fragrant flowers.


It can be used to cure diseases such as diabetes (diabetes mellitus), fever and constipation. diabetes for 12 blade leaves interest cina boiled with 2 glasses of water to stay and drink a glass once a day. To also leaves 7 strand squeezed with hands to cup water, strained and Mix it with 2 blade morsel eat honey and a type of rock sugar. Drink 2 times a day. Whereas for the fever also, work with the 7 leaf blade cup water, add with rock candy and drink 2 times a day. For constipation also take 3 seed fruit, boiled with 2 glasses of water to boil and live a glass, drinking water.

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